Recent Site Additions
Many thanks to all who provide items for our website. There are so many items in private hands that can make us smile and cry, bring back memories and enrich our understanding and appreciation of Gilmanton.
For availability of books, pamphlets and other authored documents shown on this site, contact The Gilmanton Historical Society, or check Ebay or Amazon.
Recently posted items are listed below for a time but are permanently retained on the related site page.
APRIL 2023
Community Buildings
GIW Town Hall Looking Good 1993
Ponder Fate of Gilmanton’s Former Post Office 1970, 8 Cat Alley, Tax Lot 127-048
Community Places
GIW-Robinson, Isaiah S Fund
Shellcamp Dam reconstruction
Fire Department
Hughes - Gilmanton Landmark Heavily Damaged by 2-Alarm Fire 1992
Quick Thinking Keeps Fire in Check 1993
Chimney Fire Gets Out of Hand in Gilmanton 1994
Lavoie - Fire Destroys Carriage Shop 1998
Chimielecki, Frank-Two Escape Early Morning Gilmanton Fire 1999
Gilmanton Seeks Dumpers of Leaky Home Heating Tank 2000
Pastor who suffered devastating loss of 4 daughters never lost his faith 2014 (6/29/1969)
Four-alarm brush fire breaks out in Gilmanton 2016
Town Honors Vietnam Veterans 1977
Camp, Susan B - 07Apr1948 - 06Apr2023
Guyer, Earl E - 16Jun1939 - 16Dec2022
Kelley, Matthew Willis - 31Jul1975-03Apr2023
Leblanc, Florence Partridge - 02Apr1944 - 17Feb2023
Levesque, Martha Oliveri - 30Mar2023
Parenteau, Lois Louise Stockbridge - 05May1947 - 05Jan2023
Sanborn-Switzer, Josephine M Caruso - 16May1959 - 07Feb2023
Smith, James Wayne - 01Feb1966 - 12Jul2022
Gilmanton Boy Scout Camp Seeks to Expand 1999
Gilmanton Historical Society
Gilmanton’s Own Market gets a test run 2017
Baiocchetti, Officer Vinnie Say No
Baxter, Jean & Bill – Retirees Discover New Careers Growing Grapes
Heidi Beck Scholarship Semi-Finalist
Mr. & Mrs. David Bickford-Anniversary
Chimielecki, Frank-Two Escape Early Morning Gilmanton Fire 1999
Clairmont, Omar 2020
Downs, John Wood Carver 2008
Dudley, Beatrice
Dudley, Dean
Emond, Wilfred A Testimonial
Forst, Elaine – Granite State’s Top Dairy Farmer
Gardner, Amy – “Milk is Cool”
Garen, June – Workplace Violence Risk & Assessment & Resulting Plan a Must 2017
Hemlin, Nancy Continues Weaving Tradition of Finnish Family
Hughes, Emily Miss Lakes Region 2001 2002
E-2 Stephen LaRoche
Munsey, Gloria & Maurice Anniversary 2000
Norell, William – Gilmanton Woodworker Takes Pride in His Work 1988
Oakes, Desma 2020
Roberts, Susan named Barnstead School Officer 1999
Roberts, Jr., Hon. George B
Derek Sawyer, Junior Editor
Sawyer, Louise New Life For Older Chairs
Smithers, Elizabeth
Stockwell, Marion
Roxey Stockwell Given Founder’s Day Award
Tonnesen, Glenn 2007
Webster, Daniel - History Interests 2012
White, Steve - Archer
Wiggins, David
Gilmanton Home Gets Attention from HGTV-513Provine Rd 2017
Police Department
Police Investigating Burglary at Home of Gilmanton Town Clerk-Tax Collector 1992
Communion Table to be Dedicated
NH Preservation Alliance’s Seven to Save list for 2019 is released 10/02/2019
Badger’s “History of Gilmanton” 5/6/1967, Citizen
Gilmanton: An historic hotbed - History Citizen
Pauper Auctions: The "New England Method" of Public Poor Relief Klebaner Reprint 1955
Gilmanton School Good Citizens 2012
Baiocchetti, Officer Vinnie Say No
Nature Trail & Outdoor Classroom Gilmanton Elementary School 1990
Solid Waste
Trash Options for Gilmanton Voters 2012
Smith Meeting House
Gilmanton Town Clerk-Tax Collector Helps Smith Meeting House Project 1992
MARCH 2023
Animal Control
Bounty on Porcupines 1949
Inventory-Kitchen 1943
Inventory-Allen 1943
1947 Veterans Exemption MacKenzie
Early Gilmanton & Regional Cemeteries NH State History
Misleading Gravestone Inscriptions NHCA March 2014 Bill & Carol Vose
Number of Cremations vs Full Burials Catholic Cemetery January 2002
Town Map-All Cemeteries/Burial Grounds/Memorial Sites
General Details for Individual Cemeteries/Burial Grounds/Memorial Sites
Additional Information and Sites have been added to the Cemetery Page
Community Buildings
Barn formerly abutting Kelley Corner School House
Community Events
2022 Memorial Day - Pic1 Pic2 Pic3 Pic4 Pic5 Pic6 Pic7 Pic8
1963 Memorial Day - Pic1 Pic2 Pic3 Pic4
First Telephone - Gilmanton Corners News undated
Community Places
Gilmanton Corners - Earlier and Later
Conserved Properties
Conservation Lands Map 2010
Natural Resources Co-occurrence Map 2006
Natural Resources Inventory and Appendices
Town Forests Map 2008
Unfragmented Lands Map 2005
Cogswell Mountain Conservation Area Map
Durrell Farm Conservation Area Mitchell Conservation - 2023_0313
Tom Howe Barn & Conservation Area - 245 Meeting House Road
Named to NH State Register of Historic Places, Jul/2022
Paul & Ella Stroud Family Forest Map
Thompson Town Forest Map
Joe Urner Trail Map - 07/2022
Corners Library
Library Book Chats
Fire Department
Appreciation Dinner 1989
Calendar of Events 1989
Clambake General Info 1977-1986
Inventory & Supplies Workers Food
Corners Fire Department Budget 1984-86
Firemans Association-DOJ Corporate
Featured Department LRMFAA
Forest Fire Funding 1941-1949
Gilmanton Fire Departments Management Study 1987
LRMFAA Historic 10 Codes
Old Home Day Cooking 1983
Peaked Hill Fire Department History 1955-1970
Peaked Hill Fire Station Deeds
Resignation Daigle
GIW Residential Fire, Dr. Ballard, Gilman, Canney & Emery 07/18/1928
Gilmanton Iron Works Swept by Conflagration 06/04/1915
Genealogy Family
Achilles 1776-1961
Balch 1905
Ball 1901
Batchelder, Batcheller, Bachiler
Bean, Joshua 1903
Bellows, John 1635-1898
Benson, Jacob
Blair 1900
Boreman, Bordman, Boardman 1876
Brooks 1900
Cate, Cates 1904
Caverly 1116-1880
Cilley, Gen Joseph 1st Revolutionary War 1900
Clapp, Cheney 1900
Cloyd, Basye, Tapp, Ingels, Jones, Marshall, Smith 1912
Cogswell Submitted Info
Colcord, Edward 1630-1908
Cooke 1875
Cutter, Dr. Benjamin 1871
Davison, Davidson, Davisson 1899
Dimond Dimon, Dymont
Eastman 1901
Eaton Grange, John Eaton, Kimball 1890
Edgerly Submitted Info
Fenno 1989
Field Vol 1 Vol 2
Gale, Tottingham
Gilbert 1850
Harriman 1907
Harris 1883
Haley, Piper, Neal, Ricker 1900
Hills, Samuel 1632
Hills, William 1632
Huckins, Robert 1916
Hurd, Hord
Hutchinson 1896
Morison, Morrison 1880
Munsey, Hopkins
Norton 1859
Olmstead 1869
Parker, Morse 1585-1915
Peters 1903
Pilsbery,Pillsbury, William & Dorothy
Prentice, Prentiss 1631-1852
Preston 1040
Rogers, Luke and Brown, Sarah Wright 1907
Sanborn, Samborne 1194-1898 Vol 1 Vol 2
Savery, Savory, Savary, Severy, Severit
Sheafe 1901
Sparhawk 1892
Stark, Gen. John 1887
Stevens, New England
Stevens, 1905
Stevens Submitted Info
Stone 1866
Sutliff, Sutliffe, Sutcliffe
Taintor 1847
Tarleton 1900
Temple, Bowdoin 1856
Tenney 1904
Thacher, Thomas & Anthony
Thayer, Col Abraham
Thayer Family
Thompson 1907
Thornton, Matthew American Revolution 1903
Towne 1880
Urann, Gammell 1910
Usher, 1869
Warriner, William 1899
Wheatley, Wheatleigh 1902
White, William 1607-1895
Wilcomb 1655-1902
Willis 1917
Willoughby 1876
Winthrop 1864
Genealogy Research
NH Genealogical Family History Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 Vol 4
Strafford & Belknap Counties Biographical Review & Life Sketches 1897
GIW LIbrary
Myrtle M. Marsh - 1947 - Bequeathed the sum of one thousand dollars to the library of Gilmanton Iron Works, NH.
Government Other Documents
Capital Improvements Plan 2010-2015
Choosing Civility: The Twenty-five Rules of Considerate Conduct NHMA 2023
Gilmanton Master Plan 2018
Ordinance-Loon Pond Road Parking 1950
Voters List Update - Frost 1948
Zoning Ordinance 2022
Home Page
Revisions to About Gilmanton
Alton, 1892 Hurd
Barnstead, 1892 Hurd
Belmont, 1892 Hurd
Gilford, 1892 Hurd
Gilmanton 2006 Surficial Geologic Map, 2006 USGS
Gilmanton Snowmobile Club Trail Map 2000
Gilmanton by NH Granit NH Geodata Multi-Layer Mapping
Meredith 1892 Hurd
Upper Gilmanton (Belmont) 1860
Zoning Map 1991
McClary, J. Frank 1950 Burial State Veterans Council
Selective Service List of Armed Forces Personnel 1944
Internet Archives World War 1 NH
Internet Archives World War II in NH
Internet Archives Civil War in NH
A Soldier Boy's Letters (Martin A. Haynes) to "The Girl I Left Behind Me" (Cornelia T. Lane) 1916
New Hampshire in the Great Rebellion 1870
New Hampshire Surgeons in the War of Rebellion 1906
Second Regiment NH Volunteer Infantry 1896
Fourth NH Regiment Volunteers 1896
Fifth NH Regiment Volunteers 1893
Sixth NH Regiment 1891
Eighth NH Regiment Volunteers 1892
Eighth NH Regiment Volunteers Complete Roster 1898
Ninth NH Regiment Volunteers 1895
Eleventh NH Regiment Volunteers 1891
Twelfth NH Regiment Volunteers 1897
Fourteenth NH Regiment Volunteers 1882
Fifteenth NH Regiment Volunteers 1900
Seventeenth NH Regiment Volunteers 1898
Internet Archives Revolutionary War in NH
Natural Features
Surface Water and Wetlands Map
Adel, Jack I - 03Jul1943 - 03Mar2023
Argue, Dr., Forrest B - 1898_07May1960
Bartlett, John Gurbey - 23Dec1931 - 16Dec2022
Daigle, Virginia M Belcastro - 22Mar1931 - 07Mar2023
Green, Anastasia - 08Sep1979
Green, Peter P - 1954
Hubbard, Linda Lee Simonds - 20Jun1961 - 05Dec2022
Price, Pamela Ann Fell - 23Jan1959 - 24Dec2022
Sharp, Orvis Wayne - 16Oct1984
Smith, Betty Jean Judd - 09Feb2023
Wellman, John Eagle - 26Dec1939 - 31Dec2022
American Legion Auxiliary, Ellis, Geddes, Levitt
Legion Correspondence 1947
DAR NH State History 1930
Evening of Nostalgia Planned - Gilmanton Historical Society
Gilmanton Improvements Club 1948
Lower Gilmanton Community Club
The Lucile Hawkins Gilman Memorial Scholarship
People News
Bishop, Sunny & Marshall News Undates
Bragg Georgie E and Robbins Roscoe D Marriage News undated
Brown, Earl
Chalmers, Lillian Eveleth
Dawson, Robert & Lee
Edgerly, Frank A
Eveleth, Hannah Jane
Foss, Richard & Lois
French, Sylvester F and Mercy
Gates, Kenneth - Burros News undated
Geddes, Jack
Golding, Doris Chalmers
Green, Emma and Lane, Ernest Marriage News undated
Hawkins, Lucile
McIntyre, Philip E
Morgan, Alice News undated
Nelson, George PTA Honor News undated
Page, Curtis Hidden Senatorial Candidate News undated
Page, Deacon Luther and Mrs. Wedding Anniversary News Undated
Peaslee, Charles Hazen
Robinson, Isaiah S
Sawyer, Janice
Schutt, Martha Ann Golding
Shepard, John
Shlaitas, Mary A
Gales Mill 1853 Grist Mill
Scenic Parking Proposal 2022
Chief Currier's Appointment 2003
Officer Springer's Resignation 1948
Old Town Road #3, Tax Lot 115-006-000-000, Webster's Store Memories 2023
Public Officials
Selectman's Resignation-1949
Addresses and Proceedings Centennial Anniversary of the Congregational Church of Sanbornton, NH - 1871
History and Significance Part II
Centre Church Bell from Goshen News undated
Resources - Research
Barnstead History from its first settlement 1727 to 1872
Barnstead Reunion 1882
Belknap and Merrimack Counties History 1885
Doctors, Early 1778-1790
Gilmanton Historical and Miscellaneous Collections Farmer and Moore1823
Gilmanton Mail Delivery 1863
Gilmanton Topographical, Historical, and Biographical Hill and Moore 1822
Military History of the State of NH from its Settlement in 1623 to the Rebellion in 1861
New Hampshire Agricultural Society Exhibition 1852
New Hampshire History from discovery to 1830
New Hampshire History 1916 Vol 3 Vol 4
Sanbornton, NH History 1882 Vol 1 Vol 2
Sons of New Hampshire Second Festival 1854
Posting Town Highways Local Government Center 2023
Guinea Ridge Road - Resurface 1946
Middle Route Complaint 1950
1949 Road Agent Resignation
Per Mile Costs 1949
South Road
State Gas Tax Funding 1949
Thistle Road 1947
Wages Report TRA & SAC 1948
Wages Report 1946
Wooden Snow Fence
Correspondence-Lyman Academy Brook 1948-49
Finances 1947
Stories of New Hampshire - 300 years of education Eva A. Speare
Old Town Road #3, Tax Lot 115-006-000-000, Webster's Store Memories 2023
Gilmanton Academy 2023
Granite, Walls & Quarries - Community
George Kelley's Memories - Paula Gilman
Webster, Daniel
Webster's Store Memories 2023
Lower Gilmanton News Dec 1947
Through the Years 1904
Town Meeting
2023 Town/School Meeting Ballots plus write-ins
Village District/Precinct
Funding 1947
Veterans Buried In Gilmanton Feb. '23 (alphabetically)
White, Francis "Butch" Daily Sun 11/28/2017
To his Excellency John Taylor Gilman, Esq.
And to the Honourable the Legislature of the State of New Hampshire
This Map commenced under their Auspices and matured by their Patronage
is most respectfully inscribed by their Obliged Servant
Philip Carrigain Concord - 1816
Shows the original, expanded, Gilmanton town lines

Click on the picture to open a larger version
The detail on this plan is beautiful
The detail on this plan is beautiful